Product Details
- Amazon Sales Rank: #64718 in Home Theater
- Color: Black
- Brand: Sony
- Model: KDL40XBR4
- Dimensions: 12.70" h x
43.70" w x
28.20" l,
69.00 pounds
- Native resolution: 1920 x 1080
- Display size: 40
- 10-bit 16:9 Full HD 1080p Panel (1920x1080)
- Motionflow¿ with FHD 120 Hz high frame rate capability
- BRAVIA Engine¿ PRO & Live Color Creation¿ system
- 1080p Inputs: HDMI¿ (x3), YPbPr (x2), PC
- Advanced Contrast Enhancer (ACE)
Sony Bravia XBR-Series KDL-40XBR4 40-Inch 1080p LCD HDTV
Product Description
Over the years XBR has stood for the best consumer TV s Sony has to offer and this year's line up is no exception. The XBR line of Full HD 1080p televisions includes all of our latest technologies amid at providing the best in pictures performance. Features like Motionflow¿ 120Hz for smoother motion when viewing movies or fast action sports. And BRAVIA Engine¿ PRO with Digital reality Creation which up converts all interlaced and progressive video signals including HD signals directly to 1080p for amazing detail and sharpness. And its only fitting that your XBR make a statement not only through breathtaking picture quality, but by taking your breath away with 8 new color bezel choices. Now your LCD TV can be as distinct as your own personal sense of style. Few if any Full HD 1080p LCD televisions measure up to XBR LCD televisions; the pinnacle of Sony performance and design.
Customer Reviews
Most helpful customer reviews
93 of 95 people found the following review helpful.Fantastic!!!!!!!!
By tribaltat
I've been living with a Panasonic PT40LC12 LCD projection TV since early 2002. Originally, it had a great picture...but, over the years (and 2 bulbs later) the quality of the image has deteriorated significantly. In all fairness, this set is used , on average, about 6-7 hours each day...so, it really owed me nothing. Also, it maxed out at 480P, and didn't have HDMI. So, I went out in search of a replacement. I've been looking at current models for about a year and finally decided to get this Sony.I've had it about one week, and after spending some time tweaking the picture settings (there are a ton of user adjustments available) I finally sat down and watched a few DVDs.I've got 2 DVD players and the first film that I watched was viewed at 480P using the component inputs. I had seen the same film before and wanted to compare....the image was absolutely fantastic. Although the DVD was a movie, the image looked more like live video. The depth of the image blew me away...the color was perfect...it looked almost like a live network feed.The next DVD was viewed at 1080I using the HDMI inputs. Again, the image was outstanding.Adjusting the set is not for the faint of heart. The Vivid and Normal settings are, in my opinion, way too bright...too much contrast and color intensity. Although it appears that they can be adjusted...why bother. They might work if the set were being used in a sports bar, or other venue...but, not in the home.I concentrated on the Cinema and Custom settings. There are several blogs, technical sites, etc. on the web that discuss adjustments for this set. It's really worth the time to hunt them down. One thing I read was that the 120hz scan feature only works in the Cinema or Custom settings...and Sony's "out of the box" default is to have that feature turned off. So, make sure to check the settings for the inputs you're using.I concentrated on getting the best image in the Custom mode for each of my attached inputs. I found that "WARM 1" was the setting that provided the best "live looking" image. WARM 2 (the default for Cinema mode) gave the image a look that most closely mirrored a movie theater experience. If you tweak the Custom settings to give you the most "live looking" image...you can use the THEATER button on the remote to switch into a more Cinema looking image.Also, it appears that you can adjust the levels for each input...so, you can tweak the picture for each device that you connect without changing any of the others. Although I have an outstanding AV receiver which does 1080P video and audio switching (to which most of my components are attached), I found that where multiple device outputs are available, attaching any device directly to the TV allows the picture to be customized specifically for that device....you can still use your surround sound receiver for the audio.The remote control is somewhat complex (including a hidden compartment at the bottom with a sliding door). It also took a while to learn to navigate through the various setup and adjustment screens...but, in a short time, it really all made sense.Viewing my standard definition DirecTV channels was OK....I haven't gone to HDTV as I need to chop some trees to get the proper angle and elevation for the 5 LNB HD dish. However, if the HD channels come in as great as the DVD images, life will be beautiful.I don't, as yet, have either a BluRay or HD DVD player....as soon as the industry decided which will be king, then I'll decide which to buy......and, the prices can only go lower with each passing day. I've seen BluRay DVDs played over this TV and all I can say is...I can't wait to get mine.All in all...I think I made the correct choice. It was probably the most expensive set that I considered...but, if it stands up over the years, I think it was worth the price. Also, I'm glad that I waited for the XBR4. The previous XBR model wasn't nearly as attractive (e.g., that ugly silver surround). Also, Sony added many improvements (if you can believe them) to this newer model. If you decide to get one of these...please take the time to study the owners manual. Although there are some unexplained and confusing descriptions, it will at least give you a place to start.UPDATE...I've had this set for about 2 months now...It only gets better. I purchased a blu-ray player and now watch all my DVDs upconverted to 1080P. Watching blu-ray DVDs at 1080P/24 is the best I've ever seen (even in the stores on their demo sets). The "clouding" issue reported on the previous XBR2/3 doesn't exist...so it appears that Sony did solve that problem.
256 of 286 people found the following review helpful.Amazing Journey, Fantastic Television
By SG-CEO Advertising Agency
First, some basic insights I gained while shopping for this television.The last LCD HDTV that I purchased was not a top brand name. So when it suddenly died, with a "crackle...pop"noise, I googled the sound to learn it was the power supply unit. And not an uncommon occurrence. Just google "lcd tv crackle pop" and look at all the results.I took it to a number of very high-end A/V repair shops that refused to work on it, since they "didn't have a manual". I called everyone, including the manufacturer. But they were focused on their current models and since they weren't name brands, had no reputation for...anything, and were not going to not about to be helpful. So much for LCD TVs that aren't name brands. Or those without warranties. So unless you intend to make your HDTV a disposable one, go for the brand name.Second, LCD TVs are not computers or audio components. Not even iPods or iPhones. During my quest for the best television, I found that all the HDTV models changed quicker than the price of coffee at Starbucks. I visited one retail outlet that was selling 5 different Sxxxxxx LCD TVs on the floor and 2 more in their "high-end" room. All 7 models had been introduced within the last 12 months. Do not expect this trend to stop.By the time you own your unit a month or two, there probably will be a variation of a higher model that's become your current unit, or your unit will have been upgraded by a letter in the alphabet or numerically. You won't have the "latest or greatest" for very long. But don't worry. You'll still love what you purchased.And just as I was about to buy, I was frozen by the audiofile forums, on "banding" and "clouding" issues. For the Sharp and Sony monitors, respectively. But with the fast introduction of new models, those problems were corrected by the time I went to buy, just a month or two later. Now that's simply amazing to me. What other industry is introducing 5 models within 12 months? Check it out. Nobody could make this up.Next, we have the internet vs. the retail models. Virtually the same model numbers with a few minor variations. Why? Because many of the retail stores offer "match pricing" but can't match the prices on the internet. There may be "servicing" differences also, but I can't confirm that. From my research, the manufacturer's accommodate the retailers by offering internet models with internet pricing. They don't have to price-match with the internet models. We're not just looking at a few hundred dollars, either. Sometimes I saw price differences of $600-$700 or more.But you have to know exactly what you're doing online. Or get off. I guarantee that you'll be sorry.I learned to stay far far away from Ebay for some products, and this is one. Many of the "Power" Ebayers sold models that were discontinued, but were "new, in the box", which was probably true. And often timed their sales with the release of a new model. They used this confusion to help them sell. Also, I found many of the exact models for hundreds less, elsewhere online, like Amazon, but without the urgency of shopping Ebay. I found that it wasn't what the "Power Sellers" were saying in their ads. It was what they weren't saying that was frightening.I purchased one HDTV on Ebay and after the sale closed, I got hit with a whopping insurance and delivery charge. I didn't care about my Ebay "star" or my 100% record perfect record going back 5 years. I told the company that I'd charge it back and issue a press release. They backed out. But I had to be willing to do it, and they had to feel it, before they did it.Don't try that at home.Without a doubt, the safest place to buy is on Amazon. I shop with security, confidence, and I know their return policy will be honored. I can safely say that. One company I ordered another LCD TV was a third party vendor on Amazon. After patiently waiting for almost a month for delivery (I'm very busy at work) I got a little suspicious. Sure enough, they were off Amazon's list. And I was a casualty. But within 2 days, I had the funds credited to my account. That really impressed me. Of course I had to make a commotion. But things have really changed since 1999. Seriously. It's a different world now. But Amazon was real. And they came though.So if you plan to shop anywhere for an LCD TV, please use Amazon. I could go into missing pixels, Mexico vs. Japan, shopping for warranties at Sonystyle.com, cable vs. satellite, etc. But I think I've bored everyone.And those I haven't bored, I've insulted. So I'll leave it at these 4 final last points. First, the size of the LCD TV you will purchase looks about 250% bigger at home than in the store. Remember that. Second, we finally decided to purchase the new 32" Sony XBR4 (non-1080p) for the bedroom and the 40" Sony XBR4 1080p (Sony Bravia XBR KDL-40XBR4 40" 1080p LCD HDTV) for the living room and we're thrilled. Due to digital satellite, the images on the analog channels have great resolution. I don't see any "grainyness" whatsoever. And the 40" Sony XBR4 1080p that we purchased for the living room is amazing. Gorgeous. Third, we're approaching Christmas, and I'm watching prices go up the last few weeks, and that includes Amazon. So either buy today or if you're budget conscious, plan on waiting until January, after the holiday season. Fourth, I look at the reviews knocking the "cinema" displays and laugh. Don't sweat the small stuff. Amazon, this took me hours to write, and if you post all 10 paragraphs, you'll be my heros.
54 of 57 people found the following review helpful.excellent -- worth the money
I concur with the other reviewers, this is an excellent TV (Sony KDL-40XBR4). The picture is gorgeous, especially with HD input (1080i or 1080p). Even looks good when watching VHS tape! The only problem is that some analog tv channels just look plain bad (grainy and fuzzy).The controls are sensible, configuration and customization (e.g., input labels, picture/sound settings) are easy. The remote is a bit bigger (longer) than I'd prefer, but that's a minor quibble.Yes, possibly you'll pay more for this one than some others. And sometimes a know-it-all salesperson will tell you that X or Y has much better reviews from "experts". For my money, I always find that the Sony in the store has the best picture.On LCD vs. plasma, perhaps that's more a personal thing. But I don't find the "black level" argument in favor of plasmas particularly convincing. And I like watching 4:3 without stretching, so I'm not about to risk burn-in on a plasma. So I only considered LCDs.BTW, the EagleGL shipping service used by Amazon for this was ok. They gave us a 4 hour window and were more than an hour late, but other than that no problems. (Mine was easy -- ground floor, 10 steps from the front door. So might not apply for every case.)
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